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Category: Professional Services / Media / Communications
Location: AG Antigua and Barbuda
Company phone: Show Company phone 1-268-771-3787 OR 1-917-
full address Show full address Saint John, St John's Antigua
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Origins: N.M.E.M.I. started off as a music, audio and video production media endeavor created by Corey “Ace Carib” Almair to record, document and promote videos of talented individuals internationally through the internet and social media via Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. The endeavor began with entertainment (music performances, jam sessions and concerts) and later expanded to include interviews, travels, sports and other events. In 2015, this endeavour evolved into an official business where a broader scope of objectives were introduced to help take this endeavour from an idea to something that is tangible and established with actually products and services.   Products And Services: N.M.E.M.I. offers the following products and services in videography, photography, audio and music: – The videography section of the business includes the professional video shooting and editing of concerts, performances, music videos, weddings, funerals, graduations, christenings, church services, speeches, sports, commercials and other various events to be burned to DVD for personal, televised and online (internet) viewing and distribution. – The photography section of the business includes the professional camera shooting of photos from the various video recorded events for prints, graphics, collages and postcards. – The audio section of the business includes the recording of commercials/infomercials, voice-overs, announcements and promotions. – The music section of the business includes original songwriting/lyrical composition and the production and mastering of original instrumentals for songs to cater to the demands of music artistes. The music section will be also used to supplement the audio, videography and photography section of the business as needed.   Mission Statement:  I founded this business on a belief and principle that promotes individuality and that people have the power and abilities to mastermind their own destinies and to build their own legacies through being driven and tenacious enough to follow their own paths to fulfilling their dreams and goals. I have used this belief to develop a philosophy “masterminding your own destiny and building your own legacy” as a credo because nobody else has the power to shape or control destiny and success except yourself. Its with this powerful thought that I believe that an idea or dream can be developed and transformed from nothing into something tangible and special for the world to see and enjoy.  


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