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Category: Sports / Education / Entertainment / Artists / Graphic Designers
Location: AG Antigua and Barbuda
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ARTIST'S STATEMENT Born in Canada, Naydene studied at the OCAD University in Toronto and Florence, Italy where she graduated with honors in the figurative discipline.   Her work reflects a search for reconciliation between apparent contradictions such as creation and destruction, sexuality and spirituality, light and dark and accidental and intentional. Naydene’s technical process reflects the dichotomies that she explores, such as creation and destruction.    “I create my pieces in a process that involves layering, collaging, glazing and painting elements together. I then “destroy” certain parts of the image by stripping away some of the layers to reveal the contradicting techniques. I work with a blend of beeswax and oil paint, known as encaustic, which gives a beautiful texture and depth of color to my work.”    Naydene’s current paintings draw the viewer in with an unnerving attraction. She captures her subjects with an agitated sensitivity that exposes her command of the medium, unique color sense and expressive quality. Naydene has had many solo and group exhibitions and her work has won numerous awards. She lives on the island of Antigua in the Caribbean.


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